Juror parking is available at either the St. Joseph's Jury lot or Jury Lot 297. The St. Joseph's Jury Lot is located on 8th Street between F and G Streets (entrance on 8th Street). Jury Lot 297 is located on 7th Street between F and G Streets (entrance on F Street).

Jurors need to visibly display their juror parking permit on the vehicle dashboard. Vehicles not displaying a valid juror parking permit will be cited.
These lots are open to jurors between 7 am to 5 pm, Monday - Friday .
Outside of juror hours, event parking fees will be charged.
If Both Jury Lots Are Full…
Only when the St. Joseph's Jury Lot and Jury Lot 297 are completely full, will a limited number of overflow jurors be allowed to park in the County's Public Parking Garage free of charge. *A validation code for the public garage must be obtained from the juror lounge prior to exiting the garage to not be charged applicable parking fees. The public garage is located on G Street, between 7th and 8th Streets (entrance on G at 7th Street).
Parking in the public garage when spaces are available in either of the jury lots will be at the juror's expense.
For additional information regarding jury parking and directions, please visit the Superior Court of California website.